
1-Conductor Solid or stranded copper (Class 1 or Class 2)
2-Insulation Cross linkable polyethylene (XLPE)
3-Filler Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
4-Armour Galvanized round steel wire (GSWA)
5-Outer sheath Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)


Min. bending radius 12 x D
Max. operating temperature 90°
Max. short circuit temperature 250°
Rated voltage Uo/U 0.6/1 kV
AC test voltage 3,5 kV
Flame propagation test on single cable EN 60332-1

Technical Data

Nominal Cross Section mm² Overall Diameter mm approximately Net Weight kg/km approximately Conductor DC Resistance at (20°C) max. ohm/km Conductor DC Resistance at (20°C) max. ohm/km
Ground (A) Air (A)
 YXV(N2XY) (0,6/1 kV)
 1×4 10 142  4,61 55 47
1×6 10,5 167 3,08 68 59
1×10 11 215 1,83 91 81
1×16 12,5 280 1,15 117 109
1×25 15,0 430  0,727 150 146
1×35 16 529  0,524 179 179
1×50 18 707  0,387 211 218
1×70 20 929  0,268 257 275
1×95 21 1194 0,193 304 336
1×120 24 1504  0,153 341 388
1×150 26 1794  0,124 377 438
1×185 28 2180  0,0991 418 501
1×240 31 2769  0,0754 469 508
1×300 33 3351  0,0601 514 654
1×400 37 4342 0,0470 565 733
1×500 41 5475  0,0366 623 825
1×630 45 6937 0,0283 690 934
2×1,5 13  310  12,1  31  25
2×2,5  13,5 360 7,41 40 33
2×4 14,5 422 4,61 52 43
2×6 15,5 496 3,08 65 54
 2×10 18 772 1,83 87 75
2×16 20 980 1,15 113 100
2×25 24,5 1530 0,727 146 136
2×35 27 1835 0,524 176 165
2×50 30 2270 0,387 208 201
2×70 33 2915 0,268 256 255
2×95 38 4025 0,193 307 314
2×120 41 4785 0,153 349 364
2×150 45 5670 0,124 391 416
2×185 50 7230 0,0991 442 480
2×240 56 9040 0,0754 509 565
3×1,5 13 334 12,1 31 25
3×2,5 14 390 7,41 40 33
 3×4 15 472 4,61 52 43
3×6 16 560 3,08 65 54
 3×10 19 875 1,83 87 75
3×16 21 1130 1,15 113 100
 3×25 26 1790 0,727 146 136
 3×35 28 2190 0,524 176 165
 3×50 31 2725 0,387 208 201
 3×70 37 3900 0,268 256 255
3×95 40 4900 0,193 307 314
3×120 44 5910 0,153 349 364
 3×150 49 7440 0,124 391 416
3×185 54 8970 0,0991 442 480
 3×240 60 11200  0,0754 509 565
3×300 69 14799  0,0601 638 580
3×400 82 18855  0,0470 746 663
3×25/16 29 1985 0,727/1,15 146 136
3×35/16 30 2353 0,524/1,15 176 165
3×50/25 34 3000 0,387/0,727 208 201
3×70/35 39 4150  0,268/0,524 256 255
3×95/50 43 5260 0,193/0,387 307 314
 3×120/70 48 6490 0,153/0,268 349 364
 3×150/70 53 8070  0,124/0,268 391 416
3×185/95 57 9620 0,0991/0,193 442 480
3×240/120 63 12210 0,0754/0,153 509 565
3×300/150 70 15600 0,0601/0,124 683 580
 3×400/185 80 20750 0,0470/0,0991 746 663
4×1,5  14 374 12,2 31 25
 4×2,5  15 440 7,41 40 33
 4×4 16  536 4,61 52 43
 4×6 18 784 3,08 65 54
 4×10 20 1015 1,83 87 75
4×16 23 1470 1,15 113 100
 4×25 28 2125 0,727 146 136
4×35 31 2600 0,524 176 165
 4×50 34 3260 0,387 208 201
 4×70 40 4680 0,268 256 255
 4×95 44 5920 0,193 307 314
 4×120 49 7610 0,153 349 364
4×150 54 9180 0,124 391 416
 4×185 59 11000 0,0991 442 480
 4×240 65 13700 0,0754 509 565
4×300 72 19303 0,0601 683 580
4×400 86  22800 0,0470 746 663
5×1,5 15  412  12,1 31 25
 5×2,5 16 495 7,41 40 33
5x 18 742 4,61 52 43
5×6 19 880 3,08 65 54
 5×10 22 1170 1,83 87 75
 5×16 25 1700 1,15 113 100
 5×25 30 2450 0,727 146 136
 5×32 33 3030 0,524 176 165
5×50 38 4200 0,387 208 201
5×70 43 5520 0,268 256 255
5×95 49 7470 0,193 307 314
5×120 54 9150 0,153 349 364
5×150 59 10900 0,124 391 416
5×185 64 12980 0,0991 442 480
5×240  71 17400 0,0754 509 565


Can be used in underground installations since the cable is very suitable for mechanical compulsion and harsh operating conditions . Suitable for comparatively high ambient temperature due to high maximum permissible conductor temparature.
