
1-Conductor Solid or stranded copper (Class 1 or Class 2)
2-Insulation Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
3-Filler Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
4-Armour Galvanized round steel wire (GSWA)
5-Outer sheath Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)


Min. bending radius 12 x D
Max. operating temperature 70°
Max. short circuit temperature 160°
Rated voltage Uo/U 0.6/1 kV
AC test voltage 3,5 kV
Flame propagation test on single cable EN 60332-1

Technical Data

Nominal Cross Section mm² Overall Diameter mm approximately Net Weight kg/km approximately Conductor DC Resistance at (20°C) max. ohm/km Current Carrying Capacity in
Ground (A) Air (A)
 YXV(N2XY) (0,6/1 kV)
 2×10 18,5 700 1,83 90 66
2×16 20,5 900 1,15 116 89
2×25 23,5 1200 0,727 150 118
2×35 25,9 1500 0,524 181 143
2×50 29,0 1950 0,387 215 176
2×70 32,0 2550 0,268 264 224
2×95 37,0 3400 0,193 317 271
2×120 41,5 4400 0,153 360 314
2×150 45,0 5300 0,124 406 361
2×185 50,0 6450 0,0991 458 412
2×240 56,0 8150 0,0754 537 484
2×300 63,5 10200 0,0601 604 556
 3×10 19,5 800 1,83 75 60
3×16 21,5 1050 1,15 98 80
 3×25 25 1500 0,727 128 106
 3×35 27,0 1850 0,524 157 131
 3×50 31,0 2450 0,387 185 159
 3×70 35,0 3300 0,268 228 202
3×95 40,5 4650 0,193 275 244
3×120 44,0 5600 0,153 313 282
 3×150 48,5 6800 0,124 353 324
3×185 53,5 8300 0,0991 399 371
 3×240 60,5 10600  0,0754 464 436
3×300 68,0 13000  0,0601 524 481
3×16+10 23,0 1200 1,15/1,83 98 80
3×25+16 26,5 1700 0,727/1,15 128 106
3×35+16 28,0 2050 0,524/1,15 157 131
3×50+25 32,0 2750 0,387/0,727 185 159
3×70+35 36,5 3700  0,268/0,524 228 202
3×95+50 42,0 5200 0,193/0,387 275 244
 3×120+70 46,5 6400 0,153/0,268 313 282
 3×150+70 50,0 7500  0,124/0,268 353 324
3×185+95 55,5 9250 0,0991/0,193 399 371
3×240+120 62,5 11800 0,0754/0,153 464 436
3×300+150 70,0 14500 0,0601/0,124 524 481
 3×400+185 79 18700 0,0470/0,0991 600 560
 4×10 21,0 980 1,83 75 60
4×16 23,5 1300 1,15 98 80
 4×25 27,0 1850 0,727 128 106
4×35 29,5 2350 0,524 157 131
 4×50 34,0 3100 0,387 185 159
 4×70 39,0 4450 0,268 228 202
 4×95 44,5 5800 0,193 275 244
 4×120 49,0 7100 0,153 313 282
4×150 53,5 8600 0,124 353 324
 4×185 59,0 10500 0,0991 399 371
 4×240 67,0 13400 0,0754 464 436
4×300 75,5 16600 0,0601 524 481
4×400 86 22800 0,0470 746 663
5×1,5 15,0 410  12,1 18,2 14
 5×2,5 16,0 500 7,41 23,8 18,8
7×1,5 16,0 480  12,1 15,6 12
7×2,5 17,0 580 7,41 20,4 16,3
10×1,5 18,5 660  12,1 13 10,2
10×2,5 20,0 820 7,41 17 13,8
12×1,5 19,5 710  12,1 12,3 9,7
12×2,5 21,0 890 7,41 16,2 13,1
14×1,5 20,0 770  12,1 11,7 9,3
14×2,5 21,5 907 7,41 15,3 12,5
19×1,5 22,0 930  12,1 10,4 8,3
19×2,5 23,5 1200 7,41 13,6 11,3
21×1,5 22,5 100  12,1 9,9 8
21×2,5 25,0 13000 7,41 12,9 10,8
24×1,5 24,5 12000  12,1 9,1 7,4
24×2,5 27,0 15000 7,41 11,9 10
30×1,5 26,0 1350  12,1 8,6 7
30×2,5 28,5 1750 7,41 11,2 9,4


This cable is highly strong against mechanical outerfactors due to the galvanized steeltape armoured construction. Also suitable harsh operating conditions.
